Autor(zy) (up) Tytuł Rok Publikacja/Czasopismo Numer tomu
Jagodzińska, Agnieszka Does History Have a Sex? On Gender, Sources and Jewish Acculturation in the Kingdom of Poland 2010 Gal-Ed 22
Kozińska-Witt, Hanna The Unknown and the Forgotten: Ludwik Gumplowicz and his Roots in Jewish Kraków 2000 Gal-Ed 17
Wodziński, Marcin Cawato szel Berek Sonenberg: Hakariera hamaftija szel nadvan al korcho 2009 Gal-Ed 22
Wodziński, Marcin How many Hasidim were there in Congress Poland? On the Demographics of the Hasidic Movement in Poland during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 2004 Gal-Ed 19
Wodziński, Marcin Jakub Tugendhold and the First Maskilic Defence of Hasidism 2001 Gal-Ed 18