Zapis bibliograficzny
Domagalska M., The Image of the Jews in the Anti-Semitic Popular Novel in Poland At the Beginning of the 20th Century, [w:] Iggud. Selected Essays in Jewish Studies, red. Bacon, G., red. Baumgarten, A., et al., t. 2: History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Jewish Society, Jerusalem, 2009, s. 59–66
Friedrich A., The Attitudes of the Polish Positivists towards the Assimilation of Jews, [w:] Iggud. Selected Essays in Jewish Studies, red. Bacon, G., red. Baumgarten, A., et al., t. 2: History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Jewish Society, Jerusalem, 2009, s. 67–76
Ruta M., Yiddish Literature and Communism in postwar Poland: The Poetry of Kalman Segal, Moshe Shklar and Paltiel Tsibulski, [w:] Iggud. Selected Essays in Jewish Studies, red. Tamar, A.-F., red. Tobi, Y., et al., t. 3: Languages, Literatures, and Arts, Jerusalem, 2007, s. 35–56