Autor(zy) |
Tytuł |
Rok |
Publikacja/Czasopismo |
Numer tomu |
Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika |
A Shadow over the Dialogue |
2000 |
Polin |
13 |
Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika |
The Return of the Troublesome Bird: Jerzy Kosinski and Polish-Jewish Relations |
1999 |
Polin |
12 |
Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika |
Julian Stryjkowski: 1905-1996 |
1997 |
Polin |
11 |
Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika |
Poles and Poland in I. B. Singer’s Fiction |
1993 |
From Shtetl to Socialism. Studies from Polin |
Adamczyk-Garbowska, Monika |
Poles and Poland in I. B. Singer’s Fiction |
1991 |
Polin |
5 |
Doktór, Jan |
The Non-Christian Frankists |
2002 |
Polin |
15 |
Friedrich, Agnieszka |
The Attitude of the Polish Positivists to the Traditional Jewish System of Education |
2014 |
The Internet version of „Polin” |
Friedrich, Agnieszka |
Bolesław Prus and the Assimilation of Polish Jews |
2009 |
Polin |
22 |
Friedrich, Agnieszka |
Bolesław Prus and the Dreyfus Case |
2001 |
Polin |
14 |
Jagodzińska, Agnieszka |
Overcoming the Signs of Other. Visual Acculturation in the Second Half of the 19th Century in the Kingdom of Poland |
2012 |
Polin |
24 |
Kozińska-Witt, Hanna |
The Association of Progressive Jews in Cracow, 1864-74 |
2010 |
Polin |
23 |
Kozińska-Witt, Hanna |
A World before a Catastrophe: Kraków Jews between the Wars |
2010 |
Polin |
23 |
Kozińska-Witt, Hanna |
Ludwig Gumplowicz’s Programme for the Improvement of the Jewish Situation |
1999 |
Polin |
12 |
Makowski, Krzysztof A. |
Between Germans and Poles: The Jews of Poznań in 1848 |
2001 |
Polin |
14 |
Quercioli Mincer, Laura |
The Controversy over Mickiewicz’s Jewish Origins |
2007 |
Polin |
19 |