Strona główna | << 1 >> |
Jagodzińska Agnieszka, Does History Have a Sex? On Gender, Sources and Jewish Acculturation in the Kingdom of Poland, "Gal-Ed", t. 22 (2010), s. 67–87. |
Kozińska-Witt Hanna, The Unknown and the Forgotten: Ludwik Gumplowicz and his Roots in Jewish Kraków, "Gal-Ed", t. 17 (2000), s. 79–92. |
Wodziński Marcin, Jakub Tugendhold and the First Maskilic Defence of Hasidism, "Gal-Ed", t. 18 (2001), s. 13–41. |
Wodziński Marcin, How many Hasidim were there in Congress Poland? On the Demographics of the Hasidic Movement in Poland during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, "Gal-Ed", t. 19 (2004), s. 13–49.
Adnotacje: rozszerzona wersja
Słowa kluczowe: XIX w.; Królestwo Polskie; chasydyzm; demografia
Wodziński Marcin, Cawato szel Berek Sonenberg: Hakariera hamaftija szel nadvan al korcho, "Gal-Ed", t. 22 (2009), s. 167–182. |